Monday, October 18, 2010

No support-counselling

The Victorian parliament voted against providing support-counselling for women. [VicHansard 3536-3550]

 I don't know how things work with marriage celebrants, but in the church my husband and I were required to attend pre-marriage counselling before we got married.  Before making a choice that would affect us for the rest of our lives they wanted us to explore all the issues and think about potential problems and solutions. 

The decision to have an abortion or keep the baby or put the baby up for adoption is a choice that effects women for the rest of their lives.  As they say about marriage "it is not a decision to be entered into lightly".  Good decisions take time.  All options need to be explored and pros and cons weighed up.   Women need access to caring, informed counsellors who can explore all the options, correct misconceptions and allow the woman to make a decision she is happy with.  Remember deciding to keep the baby or put the baby up for adoption can be changed.  Once an abortion is performed there is no going back.

Notice also the wording above.  It doesn't just say counselling.  It says support counselling.  Counselling that will support the woman to make a choice that she will be able to live with, that she will not regret, that is right for her not the pushers of the pro-life or pro-choice agenda.

Do you think women deserve support-counselling? 
Then let the politicians know:

Next Post:The Victorian parliament voted against providing information on the health risks of abortion. [VicHansard 3629-3631]

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